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School Counseling

Every school provides counseling services to all students. Read 324P - School Guidance and Counseling Programs.

Members of the school counseling staff work with classroom teachers through various school and community services. Together they assist pupils with better understanding themselves, developing their abilities and intellectual capacities, making wise decisions, and preparing for and living satisfying and successful lives. All this is accomplished relative to students' abilities, interests and needs.

In order to meet these needs, the scope of our program embraces the following services:

  • registration and orientation of students
  • maintenance of individual cumulative records
  • testing of students and interpretation of results to teachers, students and parents
  • counseling with students (career and personal)
  • provision and interpretation of educational and occupational information to students and parents
  • educational and employment placement of students
  • follow up of graduates
  • use of community agencies
  • interpreting needs of the students to the administration and those in charge of instruction
  • liaison agent for pupil, parents and school

Counselor Assignments

To schedule an appointment with your counselor, please complete and submit the SHS School Counseling Sign Up Form.

Additional Counseling Staff


AP  Exam Registration

From October 14-25, students may register to take Advanced Placement (AP) exams. The cost of taking each AP exam is $99.  Final payment for all enrolled exams will be on or before March 14, 2025.

AP Exam Registration