Respectful |
- Use appropriate language when talking with students and adults.
- When listening to music, it should only be heard by you.
- Be appropriate in your goodbyes; limit PDA
- Understand that each person learns differently
- Be a peer buddy when permitted
- Use electronic devices as directed by staff
- Remain completely inside of classroom until bell rings
- All school rules apply in the bathroom
- Clean up after yourself
- Courtesy flush
- Respect all aspects of the bathroom
- Use manners when interacting with staff
- Remain in your selected area for that day
- Maintain respectful volume
- Treat all buildings/facilities as well as you would Sherando
- Follow the expectations set forth for each environment
- Respect spectators at other venues
- Use appropriate level voice
- Only speak to people near you
- Interact positively with bus driver
- Respect bus properly
Responsible |
- Stay on the right side of the hallway
- Maintain personal space
- Follow dress code standards
- Be on time
- Follow class routines
- Turn in work on time
- Maintain dress code standards
- Have Chromebook and class materials prepared and ready each day
- Use it for intended purpose only
- Wash hands
- Get in and get out!
- Clean up after yourself; put trash in bins
- Use silverware/plasticware appropriately
- Report spills
- Food is to be eaten, not thrown or left behind
- Travel as a tribe
- Maintain positive speech
- Maintain personal space.
- Keep voice at an appropriate volume
- School rules = bus rules; abide by all
Promote Community Unity |
- Assist others
- Keep our building clean
- Offer assistance once you have completed your assignment if time allows.
- Clean up after yourself
- Report issues.
- Meet/sit with new people
- Use staff as a resource
- Make use of “share table”
- Represent your school proudly
- Be a Warrior
- Be where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there
- Determine the shortest route to get there
- Be on-time; ask for help when needed
- Complete work in-class and at home
- Partcipate in class activities
- Get in and get out
- Wipe, flush, wash and go
- Make personal connections
- Participate in your role approrpriately
- Help bus driver maintain environment for a safe arrival at destination